Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tuesday 4 - Music!!


Music Music Music!

 Welcome friends!  Good to see you back for another Tuesday 4 where we keep Toni Taddeo's weekly blog post alive.  I hope you are enjoying them.  This week let's talk about music and entertainment shall we?

1. What kind of music do you like the best?

I like a little bit of almost everything - except maybe electronic music, punk rock?? Love me some Motown, oldies, pop, soca etc 

2. Does the radio play in your car and if so what station or kind of music plays?  Does music play in your home often? - I loveeeee the radio! I love talk radio when I drive though - OR I play spotify which is usually a random chosen playlist OR a podcast. My mom and step dad loooovveee music, so it plays here a lot. I also love to sing.

3. What do you think of the music played in restaurants or stores? Do you find it relaxing or annoying? - restaurants should play background music so folks can talk. stores should choose like a 90s hits or pop hits (imo) or always a best of something!

4. What part has music played in your life? What kind of music played at your wedding or at parties you have been to? Oh my god, music is my everything. I am always singing, love listening to it when I drive or clean. Just today as I walked to work, I replayed the same song a couple times. It just is such an integral part of my life. I love to go out and dance, so tend to end up at soca fetes. I have never been married, but it would range from oldies, to pop, to soca and dancehall!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Snow Day!

 We have over a foot of snow, and it keeps going! I have a snow day, my boss advised me not to go in. Normally I would, but this is how I know it is BAD - I can usually walk to work in 10 minutes! So we are not in the office today - my voicemail is changed, email being monitored etc. I cannot even see my car anymore! I hope everyone continues to stay safe.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Continuing On

 So, last Wednesday my mom and step dad were inadvertently exposed to Covid. They found out a week ago today. So they have been indoors all week, we did two rapids on my mom - both negative. I am trying to manage my anxiety/stress. I took a social media break, and I have to say I am enjoying it. So much negativity, and folks acting as if things are normal (discussing travel, etc etc) it is too much for me. I took the day off from my part time job yesterday, as my mom has covid symptoms and the self assessment would mean I stay home anyway. I read a whole book! :) And have a couple more to read from the library, along with a new Inspector Lynley book I pre ordered in June 2021 (it arrived this week!) So much reading to do. 

My pay from the part time job helped me pay off a big chunk of my credit card, so I am glad for that; the costs just ballooned these last few weeks. I have to get serious about a new job, as my boss retires from most of his work in December. I hate change, and I am so nervous to start somewhere new and leave my boss in the lurch but I don't want to be jobless and struggling, sigh! My sister in law asked if I wanted to submit my resume this week to her work but I don't feel ready. Hopefully the universe gives me my chance again!

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 My anxiety is out of CONTROL! I blame the pandemic and how it affects my job(s). My mom and stepdad had an exposure to Covid, so we all avoided each other yesterday. Luckily she is negative, but this is just so tough. I cannot do this every weekend! I have to figure out how to be prepared for work, which is hard since we are not paperless by any stretch. It feels worse to me than ever before, maybe because it now has hit close to home. 

Sigh. Just want us to see the end of it all, ugh!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 I do NOT have Covid. I think I do however, have a lot of anxiety/stress and it is physically affecting me. I had Friday to today off from work, but I feel only slightly better. It did not help that I did not ignore my work email 😐 sigh. My two sisters have covid, along with my brother in law. There is so much news to take in, things feel SO dire. I want us to all see the end of this, but when? 😞 Everything seems to have changed so much for the worse in the last few weeks. I almost never want to leave the house again! Ugh. I truly hope everyone can stay safe, and we see the end of this soon. Sending love and positive thoughts to any eyes who read my blog ❤️

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year, Same Worries!

 Well, my time off work continues - I did a PCR test yesterday and await the results. Two of my sisters have Covid, and with me feeling unwell I am feeling so anxious/guilty about getting folks sick etc. Sigh. I did not go in today, I snuck in yesterday to print stuff off for my boss - I will have to do it again Tuesday. My surgeries are cancelled and I am trying to contact patients. We are back into a lockdown. I feel so horrible about going to see my sister in New York (we were allowed to) I wish we had not gone, and I wish we had not gotten together with anyone. Sigh. Just so anxious and sad, every day is something new and distressing.

I got a pay raise which is good, but it's not worth the stress of working under these conditions. I hope we can all stay safe and make it through this time.

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...