Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year, Same Worries!

 Well, my time off work continues - I did a PCR test yesterday and await the results. Two of my sisters have Covid, and with me feeling unwell I am feeling so anxious/guilty about getting folks sick etc. Sigh. I did not go in today, I snuck in yesterday to print stuff off for my boss - I will have to do it again Tuesday. My surgeries are cancelled and I am trying to contact patients. We are back into a lockdown. I feel so horrible about going to see my sister in New York (we were allowed to) I wish we had not gone, and I wish we had not gotten together with anyone. Sigh. Just so anxious and sad, every day is something new and distressing.

I got a pay raise which is good, but it's not worth the stress of working under these conditions. I hope we can all stay safe and make it through this time.


  1. Fingers crossed for you that your test is negative. But even if it's positive don't panic, I'm sure you'll be fine (miserable maybe but fine). Just remember to drink plenty and get plenty of rest. Let us know! Hugs to you from France. Anna

    1. thank you so much! it is negative, but i am still feeling crummy. unfortunately, i think my anxiety/stress is really playing into my physical symptoms. so i need to look into coping techniques etc! thank you for the positive thoughts!


Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...