Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Anxiety is a b!tch. My first few shifts were fine, I am ok. Thank you for your support. Now, it's just to see if I want to commute 1 hr round trip twice a weekend for the next few months. We will see, BUT it is now on my resume. My sister in law came over with the kids this week - she and my brother are really going through it, and they needed a break. I am tired, but a loss of sleep for me means a much needed breather for their relationship - and I love them and want to see them happy. 

My main job is getting hectic, surgeries are coming back on board this month - wish me luck. I hope everyone is ok out there. Also, I got my 2nd dose yesterday - they moved me up 😁😁

Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Job Training Anxiety

 Training commenced for the new job - I feel very anxious. Like, I have the job and now almost don't want it. So I am taking on shifts next week, and hopefully everything goes swimmingly. I am now not sleeping, because I am anxious LOL. Cannot catch a break.

Otherwise, my tax return is finished and I get a REFUND! Lovely, as this time last year I wasn't working more than 4 hours a week. So more money than I know what to do with, is a nice little bonus to me. I actually have to decide if to open up a GIC, or send more to my $$ guy. I have a lot saved away, but interest is so low, I didn't even get a t5(which is a statement of income earned) because I didn't earn enough interest!! 

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well. Frugal in Essex, I hope you're well too (I will stop asking everyone else where she is LOL) 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Summer Time!


1. What emotions and feelings does summer conjure up for you? - Usually happiness!!! Caribana is in August, and you will find me on the road, misbehaving as one does ;) and just generally a feeling of being more relaxed.

2. What's summer weather like in your neck of the woods? - nice and warm/hot. but no breeze, which kiinda sucks!! but lots of good weather!

3. Got some special summer meals you and your family enjoy? - not really? just more BBQ if anything, and summer fruit like watermelon?

4. What do you enjoy doing in summer? Sports, trips.. do you go on vacation? - for the last few seasons, my siblings and i have rented a cottage and that has been nice. Caribana for over a decade has been wonderful, and just drives out to nice places whenever possible.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday 4 - Occupations!


1. What kinds of jobs have you had in life? Enjoy or not? - I have mostly had front desk/admin jobs - my first job was working for Ipsos Reid doing phone surveys. I have worked for a delivery company, 3 different doctors, a movie theatre, a summer job at the CNIB, and a company that works within the insurance industry (they do not sell policies or anything, they resolve Accident Benefit claims)

2.What duties did you perform on your job.. give us a job description if you please. Interacting with customers, asking questions, addressing concerns, doing invoicing, doing remittance, doing reports, charts, putting together packages for surgery, contacting people, taking requests - you name it, it has been done!!

3. What training is required to do your type of job (and even a checker in a supermarket needs certain skills such as working well with people and being a bit technical.) - for my role right now, they would prefer a diploma in Medical Admin ( I don't have one but I have a BA so I mean, it helps!!) . And you do need to work well with folks, know to work quickly, as a team, individually etc etc. Knowledge of medical terminology helps, but you can google stuff or ask your boss!

4.Is there a dream job you'd like to have or would have loved to have? Tell us about it, won't you? - I want to be a philanthropist, and change the world to be honest. Working 9-5 would not be it, in my ideal world. But if I had to, maybe something in the social services?

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...