Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Summer Time!


1. What emotions and feelings does summer conjure up for you? - Usually happiness!!! Caribana is in August, and you will find me on the road, misbehaving as one does ;) and just generally a feeling of being more relaxed.

2. What's summer weather like in your neck of the woods? - nice and warm/hot. but no breeze, which kiinda sucks!! but lots of good weather!

3. Got some special summer meals you and your family enjoy? - not really? just more BBQ if anything, and summer fruit like watermelon?

4. What do you enjoy doing in summer? Sports, trips.. do you go on vacation? - for the last few seasons, my siblings and i have rented a cottage and that has been nice. Caribana for over a decade has been wonderful, and just drives out to nice places whenever possible.


  1. Summer always brings to mind the sound of the ball hitting the cricket bat for me, but then I grew up in England. Here in France I don't enjoy it so much because it just gets waaaayyyyy too hot for a couple of months. I guess I'm never satisfied!

    1. I get nostalgic for cricket sometimes, I am originally from Trinidad so I know the game, kinda! I love the heat, but sometimes it is very overbearing too. We don't always have to be satisfied :P!!


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