Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday 4 - Occupations!


1. What kinds of jobs have you had in life? Enjoy or not? - I have mostly had front desk/admin jobs - my first job was working for Ipsos Reid doing phone surveys. I have worked for a delivery company, 3 different doctors, a movie theatre, a summer job at the CNIB, and a company that works within the insurance industry (they do not sell policies or anything, they resolve Accident Benefit claims)

2.What duties did you perform on your job.. give us a job description if you please. Interacting with customers, asking questions, addressing concerns, doing invoicing, doing remittance, doing reports, charts, putting together packages for surgery, contacting people, taking requests - you name it, it has been done!!

3. What training is required to do your type of job (and even a checker in a supermarket needs certain skills such as working well with people and being a bit technical.) - for my role right now, they would prefer a diploma in Medical Admin ( I don't have one but I have a BA so I mean, it helps!!) . And you do need to work well with folks, know to work quickly, as a team, individually etc etc. Knowledge of medical terminology helps, but you can google stuff or ask your boss!

4.Is there a dream job you'd like to have or would have loved to have? Tell us about it, won't you? - I want to be a philanthropist, and change the world to be honest. Working 9-5 would not be it, in my ideal world. But if I had to, maybe something in the social services?


  1. I've done all sorts of jobs. I was a hotel receptionist after school then I went to college to study nursery nursing. I found I didn't enjoy nursery nursing as much as I'd anticipated and left to work in a shop. I then had part time jobs in sales, in a playgroup, in an estate agent then I went to work in a school office. I worked in three different schools over the years then moved into the district council offices and I retired from there a few years ago. I enjoyed all my jobs except the nursery nursing. Too much politicing in nurseries and bitchiness. It wasn't for me. I love being retired now so no dream jobs out there. I hope you find a dream job! x

    1. wow, such an awesome variety of jobs!! i can imagine the nursery nursing was tough. sometimes, it's the people in the job who make it 10x worse! even if i don't manage a career per se, just want a fulfilling role that pays well and has some benefits. a government job would probably be nice for me haha!


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