Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Job Training Anxiety

 Training commenced for the new job - I feel very anxious. Like, I have the job and now almost don't want it. So I am taking on shifts next week, and hopefully everything goes swimmingly. I am now not sleeping, because I am anxious LOL. Cannot catch a break.

Otherwise, my tax return is finished and I get a REFUND! Lovely, as this time last year I wasn't working more than 4 hours a week. So more money than I know what to do with, is a nice little bonus to me. I actually have to decide if to open up a GIC, or send more to my $$ guy. I have a lot saved away, but interest is so low, I didn't even get a t5(which is a statement of income earned) because I didn't earn enough interest!! 

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well. Frugal in Essex, I hope you're well too (I will stop asking everyone else where she is LOL) 


  1. I'm sure once you've done the new job for a week or two you'll be fine. Being the newbie is never good! Good luck anyway!
    Frugal in Essex commented on someones blog last week. I think it might have been on Random Thoughts, Anna's blog. x

    1. Thank you!! Yes, I found her haha. And I will just have to work on this anxiety!!! thanks for your support!

  2. Good luck with the training. It's never easy starting something new is it but I'm sure you'll ace it!


Catch Up

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