Friday, February 26, 2021

Busy Bee

 My surgery dates (well my boss') are coming together nicely, my paperwork is sent out and hopefully we get more for April. No one gets overnight stays right now, unless they really cannot go home so it is a bit tricky for some patients. I feel bad, some folks have no one at home to help them :( 

But I am happy to say I got my vaccine! A lady just came into the office, asked if I had one, and when I said no, she said I was eligible. I was one of the few who had not gotten one in my building, because my boss did not ask for me to receive one (we weren't allowed as we aren't hospital staff but our building is literally attached to the hospital's and we all work for doctors ...) and I did not feel comfortable lying to get the shot earlier (the early volunteers did not know our building staff were ineligible, so they gave to quite a few folks). I ran down there and got it right away. Then, I told everyone who was eligible now to do it. I am super glad, I didn't want it before any front line staff, doctors, nurses or PSWs - but I wanted it before hospital staff who come in once a week (like the Foundation office folks!)

Today, I have to clean and wash the car. I have never been inside an automatic car wash, so in exchange bottle of gin my friend is going in with me LOL. Except I have to drive to his work and bring him the gin, so sounds like a better bet for him! Then I have some resumes to send out, along with a consult to upgrade my car radio. My brother bought me an android radio, but the first place I called said he doesn't do the install as they all give trouble after. He said he would do a consult anyway and I could decide on my own whether to go ahead with installation. 

Just have to remember to put the gin and radio in the car 😆

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow 🎶

We have had a lot of snow this week - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and now today. So my step dad and I cleared off our driveway and walkway. I need to get back on the resumes and Excel stuff - I have fallen off, but I am seeing some good stuff come kinda. Work was bonkers this week as I had a 3 day week since we had a long weekend, I ended up going into work on Friday to pickup paperwork. 

I contacted a couple of old bosses - so I am good for references when they are needed. The long weekend was nice, if a bit emotional (I was blue over the lack of love) BUT I made wings in the slow cooker, and some cheap fries - it was great. I also made some chow mein, which came out really nicely. I have been trying to make more at home, and spend less at work - so far for February it has been a HUGE success. I am trying to send extra $$ to my savings as often as I can, in case I owe in taxes (which is likely since I took the govt $$ when work was closed) and I have my car insurance to pay off in October (which hopefully will be around $2400 or less). UGH! 

I got my mom and step dad into Longmire, so we have been re-watching that as well.

Friday, February 12, 2021

So Much to Do, but I Don't Really Wanna! 😩

I have some resumes to send off, I have my Excel work to do - free via the library, it actually is super cool. But it is the long weekend, and I just want to relax. Bah! 

I am also making slow cooker wings, and some precooked fries. I will do my best to send off some resumes this weekend though. We got some OR dates for March yesterday, it was a mad scrambled to get the March 2nd ready, but it is done! And the March 30th one will be easy prep. I ordered myself some flowers so I am going to grab them today, cannot wait to see how it came out. I could have gotten them cheaper I am sure, but I like to support women run businesses! This woman I bought from is one of those. 

Happy long weekend! (It's Family Day here in Ontario, a totally made up day we got for voting Liberal LOL) Canada needs more of them anyway.

Monday, February 8, 2021

First of February

 It isn't the first day of the month, but my first post of the month. I have been sending out resumes and my brother name dropped me where he worked, but I am afraid maybe my resume is not up to scratch. Sigh. I have a lot of great skills, but so do so many other applicants - I got super sad last week about it, but I feel better now. 

Work is plugging along, no vaccines in the hospital for the last couple of weeks means no calls for me on the wait list for the extras - I just hope things can roll out and we see some new normalcy once it warms up. Today is my sister's birthday - her daughters left her presents in the Animal Crossing game- too sweet. Normally I babysit while she and my brother in law go out - but not this year. I am so glad though, with the pandemic her home baking business has stayed steady and kept her busy- it's been great to see! 

All my sisters are blessed with cooking and baking skills, ask me where mine are .. LOL!

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...