My surgery dates (well my boss') are coming together nicely, my paperwork is sent out and hopefully we get more for April. No one gets overnight stays right now, unless they really cannot go home so it is a bit tricky for some patients. I feel bad, some folks have no one at home to help them :(
But I am happy to say I got my vaccine! A lady just came into the office, asked if I had one, and when I said no, she said I was eligible. I was one of the few who had not gotten one in my building, because my boss did not ask for me to receive one (we weren't allowed as we aren't hospital staff but our building is literally attached to the hospital's and we all work for doctors ...) and I did not feel comfortable lying to get the shot earlier (the early volunteers did not know our building staff were ineligible, so they gave to quite a few folks). I ran down there and got it right away. Then, I told everyone who was eligible now to do it. I am super glad, I didn't want it before any front line staff, doctors, nurses or PSWs - but I wanted it before hospital staff who come in once a week (like the Foundation office folks!)
Today, I have to clean and wash the car. I have never been inside an automatic car wash, so in exchange bottle of gin my friend is going in with me LOL. Except I have to drive to his work and bring him the gin, so sounds like a better bet for him! Then I have some resumes to send out, along with a consult to upgrade my car radio. My brother bought me an android radio, but the first place I called said he doesn't do the install as they all give trouble after. He said he would do a consult anyway and I could decide on my own whether to go ahead with installation.
Just have to remember to put the gin and radio in the car 😆