Saturday, February 20, 2021

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow 🎶

We have had a lot of snow this week - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and now today. So my step dad and I cleared off our driveway and walkway. I need to get back on the resumes and Excel stuff - I have fallen off, but I am seeing some good stuff come kinda. Work was bonkers this week as I had a 3 day week since we had a long weekend, I ended up going into work on Friday to pickup paperwork. 

I contacted a couple of old bosses - so I am good for references when they are needed. The long weekend was nice, if a bit emotional (I was blue over the lack of love) BUT I made wings in the slow cooker, and some cheap fries - it was great. I also made some chow mein, which came out really nicely. I have been trying to make more at home, and spend less at work - so far for February it has been a HUGE success. I am trying to send extra $$ to my savings as often as I can, in case I owe in taxes (which is likely since I took the govt $$ when work was closed) and I have my car insurance to pay off in October (which hopefully will be around $2400 or less). UGH! 

I got my mom and step dad into Longmire, so we have been re-watching that as well.

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