Friday, January 29, 2021

On the Go

 I have a couple resumes to send out today, and at least one more over the weekend. I discovered an online Excel course via the library, it is pretty fun so far. I got a medical terminology textbook, but I am not so sure if I want to really do the course. I really should have done it a couple years ago if anything. Sigh. 

All flights to and from Mexico and the Caribbean are cancelled as of Monday... weird how our borders are closed B U T so many flights continue to come in and out. Now, everyone entering gets a mandatory Covid test, and has to quarantine at hotels on arrival ... too little too late. I just want to get a vaccine and enjoy my summer. I am a single girl in her 30s, man I just want to dance and have fun. 

My focus this year is a new job and building up the savings, love on the back burner again / for real. I want to make peace with maybe never finding romantic love, as much as I want it. I have been struggling though, cause I mean, I get lonely like any other person. But for now, the focus is on my job situation. And awaiting some online orders that I purchased, and won't break the bank credit card wise!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

What A Week!

 Just when I thought we were not receiving any OR dates for February. We got one yesterday. Then it got changed today. My patient who I asked to come in today, supposedly I actually told them to come in tomorrow. (I doubt it). Discovered I had not sent my February dates out to one company... good GRIEF Charlie Brown. 

Meanwhile, I signed up to try and receive the vaccine by putting myself on a wait list (like if they have any extras at the end of the day). SO far, no dice. Now, all the staff that did not want them before, all of a sudden want them. Sheesh. I have my aunt's memorial tomorrow, along with now going into work for about an hour or so. I cannot wait until the Family Day long weekend. I am also hoping for warmer/sunny weather to encourage myself to get out and walk - but it is so hard during the winter. 😖

Friday, January 15, 2021

Job Hunting

 Job hunting is tough, more so when you're in a bigger city. The competition is fierce; I am convinced these places only really want to hire within, and most postings are just lip service to being fair. However, I truly want to ensure I am with a job by the time my boss cuts down his office hours - he isn't concerned with my future plans, but I need to be. 

I am aiming to really utilize my Fridays off to send out resumes, etc.. From about 2017 to lat year, I would visit my Great Aunt to take her out, grocery shop, or just swing by. She passed away on Boxing Day, even though I thought she would really be here with us once she got settled in her new home (she was moved into a nice home for folks with dementia) but I think 2020 was too much for her body and soul overall. I hope she is happy wherever her spirit resides now. 

My mom got a crock pot from our neighbour next door, so I kinda want to look up crock pot recipes and use it a lot. Maybe this year everything will settle from jobs to domesticity.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Slugging along

 Every week at work is unpredictable with the covid situation. I truly hope I can keep working, as my boss retires in Dec from one part of his work life - and I have been reluctant to leave the job, as to not leave him in the lurch. But I am really in a crunch now, sigh. Meanwhile, I tried to get the vaccine, but I am ineligible. A bunch of other ineligible folks got them, but they weren't supposed to apparently. Needless to say, it is sucky BUT I don't want to take away from any essential workers. The ones who did get them who work in my area, definitely deserve them more. 

Meanwhile, the political situation down south rages on. It's interesting now to see folks want unity and peace for terrorists, but the civil unrest was all about sending black folks to jail, shooting them up with rubber bullets etc - where was the unity for black and brown people then, or any time before? I am so glad they're ensuring all the participants from last week are being arrested, placed on no fly lists etc - enough is enough. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Testing testing one, two, three!

 I follow so many wonderful blogs, I have decided to make one of my own - not sure what I'll say here, and when I'll say it, but figured I would give it a go. I don't even understand Blogger and how it works - I see I'll be looking for a FAQ section or googling it over the weekend. 

I don't read many blogs written by women in my racial / age demographic - but I love them all the same, a ton of different perspectives, and it's a great way to see how other people think and live. There isn't too much going on in life right now, but maybe over time I'll be able to add more and more to my blog. Either way, I hope I can keep up with it. I don't really make resolutions, but I will try and stick to it as best as I can.

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...