Friday, January 29, 2021

On the Go

 I have a couple resumes to send out today, and at least one more over the weekend. I discovered an online Excel course via the library, it is pretty fun so far. I got a medical terminology textbook, but I am not so sure if I want to really do the course. I really should have done it a couple years ago if anything. Sigh. 

All flights to and from Mexico and the Caribbean are cancelled as of Monday... weird how our borders are closed B U T so many flights continue to come in and out. Now, everyone entering gets a mandatory Covid test, and has to quarantine at hotels on arrival ... too little too late. I just want to get a vaccine and enjoy my summer. I am a single girl in her 30s, man I just want to dance and have fun. 

My focus this year is a new job and building up the savings, love on the back burner again / for real. I want to make peace with maybe never finding romantic love, as much as I want it. I have been struggling though, cause I mean, I get lonely like any other person. But for now, the focus is on my job situation. And awaiting some online orders that I purchased, and won't break the bank credit card wise!


  1. Hello, I just came over to say hello. Thankyou for commenting on my blog. I will now bookmark your blog and start reading along! May I ask where you are? I know you're Trinidadian however I'm not sure if you are living there. It's none of my business so feel free to completely ignore this, I'm just curious! I wish you good luck in your job search. x

    1. Hi! Thank you! <3 I also comment as jj on your blog (but that's when I am at work). I live in Toronto, I actually haven't lived in Trinidad since I was 10, but you know the heart is still Trini, haha.

  2. When you are not looking for love you will find it. Concentrate on your other objectives and you'll be happier in yourself and more open to meeting someone. Take care.

    1. ❤️ thank you. yeah i just know i am also very blocked off emotionally so it is not the right time (again) i am feeling ok about the other objectives!!


Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...