Sunday, October 24, 2021

Road Tripping

 Well, since my last blog post - my part time job renewed itself for 6 more months!! I re-signed, because some extra $$ always goes a long way. And I will hopefully get some extra $$$$ around Christmas or close enough to it, if possible. I am going to Montreal with my friends in November, so I am looking forward to that immensely. I kinda need a new phone, but I want it super new - so I am holding out because it ain't cheap. I am usually buying one year or two years behind, so I am trying to tell myself that is the better decision again - phone companies and providers of cell service are not thinking about my best interests, that is for sure!!! We have moved into QR codes for our vaccines, lots of places have mandates in place for employees - so that has been interesting. I have the proof on my phone but have not started going out more often or anything. I can spend from home, LOL. But it has been nice to see friends here and there at the very least. I caught No Time to Die with my mom and sister, we liked it except for the ending bits. No spoilers (as much as I love them) haha!


  1. Great news about the job. Nice to get some extra money near christmas for sure. I've always managed to get one of my childrens old phones till now. However my daughter recently got rid of hers and changed to a new supplier so I won't be getting her old one next and my son is using his work phone for most stuff so I better start saving - it could take a while!!

    1. oh yes, i am hoping to grab a few extra shifts indeed - if possible! your daughter could unlock her phone and let you use it, no? over here, phones are no longer allowed to be tied to one carrier! but save away just in case!

  2. Enjoy that new phone - you will have worked hard for it!

    1. thank you!!! yes i would love one but the prices are just bonkers. and the phone company offers no help - and why would they? smh!!


Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...