Monday, October 11, 2021

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

 Happy Thanksgiving!! Treaders, I miss your blog! lol. It was a nice relaxing weekend, but I am starting to find these weekends stressful - more so because I am a child of divorced parents! Moving on! The weather has been very nice, and my friend and I did a long long long walk on Saturday - just marvelous! I am considering going out today to walk again! I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!


  1. Replies
    1. me too! I just read someone outed her blog, hence going private. someone asked for my details once and I declined!! But I hope in time she comes back, or keeps commenting when she feels up to it!

  2. A very belated Happy Thanksgiving! We don't have such a holiday here so I think it all passes us by without knowing much about it. Holidays and Christmas are definitely harder for children of divorce, my daughter spent many years worrying about who to visit on Christmas day and when as her hubby is from a divorced family, then she decided they'd visit nobody, they could come to their house if they wanted to see them!! Good move!

    1. It's a big holiday here, but we all now just remind folks that we're not cool with Christopher Columbus! lol! I do love a long weekend though. And yes, it is super tough, my dad refuses to be where my mom is, my mom is tired of hosting etc. Your daughter is smart!! Hopefully she has lots of help when hosting!

  3. Oh that was sweet of your to wonder about me. I'm back now though I've only posted one post. But all is well, I was just steaming mad that someone chose not to respect my privacy - should have known better actually, so that's on me! And a belated happy Thanksgiving!

    1. yes, you were missed! i am sorry someone violated your privacy, folks are so insensitive and just rude as heck! thank you, happy belated thanksgiving to you as well!


Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...