Friday, July 9, 2021

My Feet Hurt!!

 I did a screening shift today - 7 hours on my feet with insoles, ouch. I am t. ed, the six day work week is NOT my friend. I am hoping to cut down to 5 soon. I cannot function and my primary job is suffering in small ways, and I don't like that either. Otherwise, the extra $$ is good but just not feeling worth it. I know I complain a lot! I am struggling, lol. But otherwise, life is good and I need to remember that too. I hope I can get a good week off in August! *fingers crossed*


  1. Get your feet in a nice bowl of water and chill.

    1. Yes!!! Need an epsom salts bath for them too!!

  2. Maybe some of those shoes that nurses wear? They're on their feet all day too (God bless 'em). Or how about a foot bath with 2 parts hot water to 1 part each white vinegar and mouthwash (no kidding). It's so refreshing!

    1. Yes, I need to soak them - I will keep that foot bath recipe on hand. I got insoles but I think I need ones for the whole foot and not just the back half!


Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...