Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tuesday 4 - The Best!!

 1.   What was the best thing you have ever bought?

        Oh man, I once bought a BCBG jacket for $25USD, original price over $300!!!!!!  But most likely it is my car, because it really has gotten me all over and I am proud to have been able to buy it without any help from the bank of mom or dad!
2.   What was the best book you have ever read? - oh wow,  I have read so many ? But I guess the Harry Potter books are a big fav (even if JK is transphobic)

 3.   What is the best food you've ever eaten? - Chinese food OR Trini food hands downnnn, every single time.

4.   What was the best movie or TV series you've ever watched? - The Golden Girls, by far something I never get sick of watching!


  1. I suppose the best thing I bought has to be my house! Other than that I think it would be the rocking horse we bought with the money my hubby's mum left us in her will.
    Best book - The Shell Seekers by Rosamund Pilcher I adored that book
    Best food - lobster thermidor in a little backstreet restaurant in Jersey. It was incredible!
    Best tv series - MASH, The Waltons, Bones, NCIS, so many to name!

    1. I have never read that book, or eaten lobster thermidor, I need to remedy these two things. The house and rocking horse make a lot of sense to me :) I also had a hard time choosing the one show, but I watch the Girls regularly!!


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