Sunday, December 3, 2023


 I cannot believe we are in December, what a trip. I went to my sister's in Syracuse over the Thanksgiving weekend - it was nice. I confess, it was nice to be there without my dad and my youngest sister - less tension, a bit more relaxed. I really struggle with family dynamics and people being happy/unhappy etc. I just don't bring my issues up with my family but I cannot exactly ignore the tension either. I am still pretty traumatized from all the fighting from my sister's wedding. Then last month, or October, my dad and sister got into a huge fight and that just made things worse. Ugh. So yeah, no bueno there.

But we enjoyed Syracuse - and all of us (minus my dad) will get together next Suday to make pastelles - a traditional Trinidad Christmas dish (cornmeal with minced beef/pork inside and then wrapped in a banana leaf - steamed to cook on Christmas day and beyond!) This will be nice as we have not made them altogether in a long time! 

My friend's surprise party was a big hit. I really got anxious because I asked people to be there for 6:00 SHARP - and NO ONE was on time. I thought it was a big flop and was so upset - but it all worked out and she was truly surprised. I am glad that I helped her husband plan it - maybe she would have been ok for not having a party, but with the year she's had - she deserves it. I am just watching a YouTube video, then off to bed I go - to wake up to Monday's problems at the office -ugh!


  1. Oh family dynamics can be dreadful can't they, but I'm glad you had a lovely time minus dad. At least you will be (or have already) getting together with him separately. But do post pictures of the pastelles - I'm intrigued!

    1. We did have a wonderful time - I will try to remember to take a picture of the pastelles! They were delicious :D


Tuesday 4 - Brands or Not?

  Brands or Not??  Welcome to another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and this week we will use one from November of 2018... 1.   Food:...