Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Summertime and the Living is Easy?


Summertime and the Living is Easy?


Well, we hope it's easy anyway.Welcome back to Toni's Tuesday 4!   Always good to have you here.Let's concentrate on the little bit of summer that is left  shall we?  We need to enjoy every season to the fullest I  believe.. what say you?Not much more of summer left so we better enjoy it while it lasts.

1. What do you like to do in the summer? - I love to read, go to soca fetes/ go to Caribana, see my family, eat etc. Maybe a nice drive somewhere!

2. What is your favorite summertime food and beverage? - I love nachos on a patio, and any sweet summer drink possible! :)

3. How do you beat the heat? - staying inside, AC on and a cooler (Sommersby) if possible.

4. What do you really like about the summer season? - the long and sunny days, everything just seems to be easier, and I love the warm weather!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday Four!


House and Home

 Hello and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4

Let's share our home secrets with one another.   Maybe you have  some ideas other ladies would love to hear about.

1.   What household tool or appliance do you rely on a lot? - my kettle, I make tea twice a day! And the fridge, I'm always in and out of it, lol!

2.   Which laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dish detergent work best for you? - I'm not picky! We don't use fabric softner. Whichever is cheapest for the washing machine and dishes, I am down with.

3.   What soap do you like to use?   Where do you have soap in your home... bathroom, kitchen, shower? - again, no preference. There is soap everywhere, bathroom sinks, in the showers, laundry room and the kitchen of course.

4.   What is the secret to a clean home in your opinion? - it's doing little things every day, making sure things have a place. I don't keep it clean but  that is def the secret, LOL

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Post Vacation Blues

 My vacation was very meh. I was too stressed about work :( I did pierce my nose though! So I can switch out a stud for a hoop now, which I will do before my sister's wedding next Jan. I am trying to support my  sister in her plans, she is not asking for help but I feel like I could be more excited for her. I am, and I am excited for my friend who is getting married too. 

Sometimes though, it just all feels a little much because my friend was venting to me that her fiancee didn't send her a sentimental message on their one year anniversary of their engagement. 😕 I mean, you're engaged! I got where she was coming from but sometimes I'm overwhelmed by it all I guess. I told my mom I have no plans to date, just doesn't seem to be for me right now tbh. I just want to work, enjoy my time off, avoid covid and be less stressed!

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...