Friday, February 18, 2022

When the Older Folks Start Getting Older

 When I was younger, I always wanted to be older. I naively thought things would magically be better. Little did I realize I was the one in control of my life ! So now I am older, wiser, but everyone around me is aging too. My parents, my step dad, siblings, etc. I have one grandparent left - my grandfather. He is over 92, and has lived a long life. We celebrated his 90th in 2019! It was wonderful. He got taken into hospital on Tuesday, he's recovering now. But watching my aunts and uncles fight over everything to do with him, and his health, and his $$ makes me sad. My mom is not his favourite, but I think as he got older he realized what playing favourites did and he made some amends. Now, every single thing is picked apart and fought over - behind his back mostly. 

My mom and I were discussing the two items I want - a painting and my grandad's London Fog coat. I told her it's sad that I could very well not get those items because her siblings are indeed just so selfish and self absorbed, ugh. I don't think my grandmother would have approved of how they all behave, so maybe better she is not around to witness it !


  1. Sadly where money is involved it seems to bring out the worst of people's behaviour. My granddad gave my mom his mother's wedding ring when mom was just a young girl, but said he'd keep it for her until she was older. The ring wouldn't have had any value as we were a pretty poor family but the sentimental value to my mom was enormous. Since the ring was in Wales and my mom was living in England her sister claimed to have found it, and when mom asked for it her sister told her she'd thrown it in the harbour! She was spite personified, and sadly one of own sisters is pretty much the same!

    1. Oh how sad :( Yes, that is the level of petty I see amongst my mom's siblings. She says when her dad dies she is just going for the funeral and that is it. Your poor mom, how did she feel after that?!

    2. Mom was very hurt of course as everyone knew it had been given to her. My gran won quite a large sum of money years ago which would have left everyone very comfortable, but little by little this particular aunt syphoned all the money off and gran died with just £800 in the bank. This aunt also died pretty poor so fat lot of good any of it did her!

    3. :( :( that is a shame. My grandad is luckily well off, but none of my mom or her siblings have access to it - so it is protected. He is very generous with all his kids, so they have all received a lot, some more than others over time!!

  2. It's awful how some people behave when money is involved. I've seen it so many times. Adults seem to revert to childhood behaviour. I think every child imagines life will be wonderful when they are an adult and can make all their own decisions. In reality, adulting sucks sometimes!!

    1. adulting does indeed suck!! i agree, money or the expectation of it (or feeling that you're owed) changes people, it's so sad indeed.


Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...