Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Brands or Not?


Brands or Not??

 Welcome to another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and this week we will use one from November of 2018...

1.   Food: ~ Do you buy brand names or go for the cheaper store name brand? - I have no issues with non brand names, depending on the food! I love Cheetos, but I can live with store brand style. Cheese - can do Kirkland from Costco instead of Balderson It really varies. Also, I prefer Mr Noodle to store brand instant noodles.

2.   Clothes: ~ Wear designer jeans/slacks with a brand name or regular department store jeans/slacks? I try now to buy it all on sale - the brands I buy are like the store brand - Dynamite, Garage for example - so not necessarily designer. 

3.   Handbags: ~ Buy a designer bag or look for a less expensive copy? I don't even like handbags anymore, LOL. But I go for a cheap brand whenever possible.

4.   Shoes: ~ You get the drift, designer or a cheaper copy? Brands all the WAY! But, have no issues getting them second hand, and prefer to buy them on sale :) but I definitely don't buy non brand unless I really like it or it is super cheap, lol!


  1. Food is a lot of store brand, but there are some things I prefer the name brand for. Jif peanut butter, is one. Most cleaning supplies are store brand. Clothes - jeans and t-shirts. Handbags - I always only have one at a time. I only have a name brand expensive one because a friend sent it to me, LOL. I've been using it now for like 6 years. Shoes are usually brand name, but not expensive. I have narrow feet, so hard to buy really cheap shoes.

    1. See, it varies from person to person! I agree with you on the shoes, brand name but make sure they're inexpensive. Peanut butter we just do either creamy or crunchy, haha! I do have brand name clothing but I get so much second hand now, I don't think it counts LOL


Blowing Off the Dust (Again!)

 It's been a while, ya'll. I am here, reading blogs! I just haven't posted. However, things have improved somewhat in my li!fe. ...