Sunday, August 6, 2023

Bad at Blogging

 Oh gosh! I meant to come back guys. My trip was wonderful. I am now wrapping up a week off of work, so while I did relax, I have to go back to a mountain of work :/ I did the Toronto Carnival (similar to Trinidad's carnival) and I had an OK time. My cousin came in from Ottawa and is asking if she can come again next year, and honestly, I don't know, lol. It was a lot. I got a ticket for driving through a part of the city I should not have. Maybe next year I can take the train down and skip driving in the core? But she also felt faint and we ended up having to leave early which I don't mind but I think I am over driving people around for a while. It is a recurring theme where I drive folks to and fro and they cannot return that favour. I will say though, my cousin was super nice and we had a blast.

When I figure it out, I will post some Bermuda/Caribana pictures!!

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...