Sunday, April 9, 2023


 Well, my Easter long weekend is over. I took the Thursday before Good Friday off, in the hopes that I would be able to enjoy a nice drive out of the city, maybe spend some time with myself post wedding and emotional lows. Unfortunately, my car had other ideas! It decided not to start on Wednesday! Luckily my brother was coming into our area before his vacation, and he got it started! And I decided as soon as he is back, we are going car hunting! I am so over this car, lol. The used car market really is not great price wise, but it is time! Unfortunate, as I had hoped to drive the car for more than 5 years but :/! It is what it is.

Work continues to be busy, SO.MUCH.PAPER! Everyone has gone paperless but my office it seems. We did go to my sister's today for Easter, I told my mom I didn't want anyone to come over. She does too much and it becomes overwhelming, and people stay here til past my bedtime, LOL. We had a wonderful time except at the end of the afternoon, as we were leaving, my niece fainted!!!! I haven't seen anyone faint, let alone a young person so we were all pretty shocked. She had been leaning on my brother in law- so I thought they were playing around and she just fell but my sister of course was pretty distressed, as we all were. My niece was fine, but she got upset as we started to ask her what her name was etc. Her poor little sister was also freaked out, and honestly, it took a few years off me, I genuinely have not heard my sister sound so scared before. I think my niece is ok but it's just scary! So that will probably be with me for a few days. I hope everyone is doing well, and feeling *insert positive feeling here* xx

Catch Up

 Hello! January has been rough :/! Due to the relationship/fighting between my mom and step-dad, I decided it is time to move out. I have ne...